

Musing on Magic and Mysticism from the Margins

Myxticism brings Bear Ryver's musings on magic and mysticism from the margins together in one place.

A play on the words mixed (as in Bear's very diverse ancestry) and mysticism, as in the spiritual path built upon direct experience. Why from the margins? Bear's experience with magic and mysticism as a queer bipoc man have led to onotological quaqmires, perhaps also unique insights and questions.

Myxticism is part substack-esque newsletter, blog, and... well an experiment in process.

Featuring the re-booted Fortnightly Lunacy v2.0, Skyvibe Serial weekly forecasts, and Betterthans & B-Sides 'sub'-lection reports, and long-format essays, Myxticism is Bear's offering to you – yes you, reading this right now.

March Astrology

Passages and Portents

The astrology of March is half over, the Aries Equinox nearly upon us, and the first major news stories of Saturn in Pisces are already here.

The Astrology of March 2023: Passages and Portents
Saturn’s brings the passage, Pluto’s gives the portent.

Fortnightly Lunacy: Aries New Moon

This Aries New Moon is a quieter version than what we're ultimately in store for. We're in for an over-the-top demonstration of the variations of an Aries lunation with Mars in different signs for each. Click the link below to learn about the Aries New Moon, Take One:

Fortnightly Lunacy 2023: Aries New Moon
Details demand clarification with the Aries New Moon.

Skyvibe Serials

Emotional Rogue Wave

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #13
Benefic and malefic enclosure, plus Thursday’s rogue wave.

Gale Force Winds

Skyvibe Serial weekly astrology forecast for the 12th week of 2023. Read it below.

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Forecast for March 19th - 25th
This week’s transits bring gale force winds of change.

Betterthans & B-Sides

More than 10 charts for the upcoming week, including a couple of elections.

Betterthans & B-Sides: Week #12
Sun in Aries and Venus in Taurus good.

Looking Back at the Virgo Full Moon

Fortnightly Lunacy: Virgo Full Moon 2023
Fortnightly Lunacy - in reverse.

Volume 8

February 19th - 25th, 2023

Phase Change and the Pisces New Moon

With the Pisces New Moon comes the beginning of the tide change we've been anticipating and talking about since December.

At long last.

Fortnightly Lunacy: Pisces New Moon

Fortnightly Lunacy 2023: Pisces New Moon
Phase Change and the Pisces New Moon.

Betterthans & B-Sides

Betterthans & B-Sides 2023: Week #8
B-Sides #19 & 20, plus Betterthans for each day of the week.

Skyvibe Serial: Some Sweet Sounds

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #8 - February 19th - 25th
On the whole, this week is one that’s about thinking and speaking clearly about the things we need in order to heal: things that need to change, ways we need to innovate where old ways of doing things are no longer kind or compassionate to carry on – for us, or others.

Volume 7

February 12th - 18th, 2023

Sleeper Waves and the Unanticipated Shifts

The last echoes of Luna's fixed sign fuckery turned out to have fucked me pretty good. So I made the decision to release my NORWAC and Fresh Voices lectures to the public, and to shift the release of Myxticism to Wednesday's over the course of the rest of this month (February).

Skyvibe Serial: Week #7

Belated, but here for you to read nonetheless. This week's a real sleeper wave, and one that comes just before Saturn leaves home territory for the decades to come.

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #7
We’re calling this week “sleeper wave”.

Sun in the Heart of Saturn's Darkness

The final conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in signs of Saturn's domicile for a good long while. The next time we see a dignified Saturn receiving the Sun we'll all be in very different phases of life. 2039 is far away, but the link to this post is just below:

Sun in the Heart of Saturn’s Darkness
The Sun joins the heart of Saturn’s darkness.

Myticism Announcement

Myxticism Announcement
Enjoy my NORWAC and Fresh Voices lectures for free!
Read the Myxticism Announcement

Volume 6

February 5th - 11th, 2023

Last Echoes of Luna's Fixed Sign Fuckery

I can't help it – I really like saying fixed sign fuckery. Blame my fiery Mars.

This week's volume of Myxticism features Fortnightly Lunacy for the Leo Full Moon, Betterthans & B-Sides, Skyvibe Serial, and the link to watch the replay of February's Live Chat.

Fortnightly Lunacy: Leo Full Moon

You can hear a lot about the Full Moon! Between Bear's appearance on The Astrology Podcast to discuss the astrology of February, Bear also talked about it in the February live chat and the IG live.

Fortnightly Lunacy: Leo Full Moon
The Full Moon that’s really the Saturn/Uranus show.

Skyvibe Serial #6

Whew boy, there's been so much said about this week, and over the course of the last I'm just going to drop this one here and trust that y'all will read as much or as little as you like.

Skyvibe Serial Week #6: February 5th - 11th, 2023
At long last, the fixed sign fuckery is finally (almost) over.

Betterthans & B-Sides #6

Mostly betterthans this week, there's still on b-side and an experimental inception for your consideration.

Betterthans & B-Sides Weekly ’Sub’lectional Report
Mostly betterthans, one b-side, and an experiment.

Betterthans & B-Sides is a premium report available only to subscibers at the Airy Artsist tier or above. At only $10 a month, I think it's an offering with great value. And, I know it's new. So, I'm extending January's early subscriber offerings until Vettius Valens's birthday – February 8th.

You can get a free two-week subscription to check out BB's and see for yourself how they work and if a subscription is right for you. Or, if you'd like to share your vote of confidence, and commit to supporting the growth of this offering, you can take advantage of the Airy Artist Accomplice offering and get the first six months of your subscription half off.

February's Live Chat Replay

February's live chat might have been the biggest yet. Thank you to everyone who attended! Thank you to everyone who participated in the conversation.

Click this link to watch and/or listen to the replay on YouTube.

Upcoming Event: Practice with the Planets

Get your tickets and join us in-person Sunday February 12th at 6pm for a lively discussion about building a personal relationship and practice with the planets.

Tickets are available through Eventbrite by sliding-scale donation (suggested $22 - $44 donation, but no one turned away for lack of funds).

Come learn how to begin a practice with the planets with astrologer Bear Ryver!

I hope to see you there!

Volume 5

January 29th - February 4th, 2023

This issue has a lot to offer!

Betterthans and B-Sides are chock full of solid b-sides and even a handful of general and specific elections. You'll want to be certain you take a look at this, especially before mid-week.

Betterthans & B-Sides: Week #5

Read this week's Betterthans & B-Sides 'sub'lectional report:

Betterthans & B-Sides 2023: Week #5
’Sub’lectional charts for making the best out of bad timing.

Skyvibe Serial

The weekly forecast around these parts, Skyvibe Serial features an overview of the week ahead and day-by-day breakdowns of all the transits for the week.

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #5
Feed your dreams: get clear on respite vs. escapist fantasy.

The Astrology of February 2023

Of course, we're kicking off a new month this week. So there's a month-ahead forecast for you too. Though I recorded a month ahead forecast (which I'll drop the link for once it's public), I still wanted to share my take on some of the less eye-catching transits.

The Astrology of February 2023
Double check the locks and pack an extra pair of socks.

Those of you signed up for the mailing list learned first about the upcoming class I'll be teaching on February 12th in Oakland. Typically, each week I'll send out a brief newsletter with links to the latest Myxticism content, and often announcements, discounts, and other offers.

Make sure to sign up for the Astrology newsletter so you don't miss anything.

Volume 4

January 22nd - 28th, 2023

Welcome to Aquarius Season! And welcome, in many ways, to the real start of the year. With all the planets moving direct, the Moon's light waxing, and a couple of shifts in dignity that improve the strength of the signal in the sky, the 4th week of 2023 is looking like it can be fruitful.

Betterthans & B-Sides: #4

This installments of BB's has a b-side election for establishing a connection or relationship with Saturn, as well as the first few moments leveraging the power of Venus in Pisces.

BB's are available only to premium subscribers at the Airy Artists tier or higher. There are two offers available if you'd like to take a peak.

Betterthans & B-Sides 2023: Week #4
Make the best out of bad timing for the week of January 22nd - 28th, 2023.

Skyvibe Serial: #4

Weekly forecast for January 22nd - 28th

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Astrology Forecast for Jan. 22 - 28
Fuel, fire, and traction to really start to get going.

Fortnightly Lunacy: Aquarius New Moon

The last Aquarius New Moon we'll experience with the ruler of the Moon dignified for over a decade, this one is consequential – as in it delivers consequences a long time in the making.

Making Something out of Nothing with the Aquarius New Moon
In a way this Aquarius New Moon is kind of like the graduation exit exam / celebration.

Volume Three

January 15th - 21st, 2023

This week's Myxticism releases include Skyvibe Serial, Betterthans & B-Sides.

Skyvibe Serial #3

Skyvibe Serial 2023: #3 Week of Jan 15 - 21, 2023
Clarity comes as Mercury finally stations direct.

Betterthans & B-Sides #3

Betterthans & B-Sides 2023: Week #3
Making the best out of bad timing by doing the least.

Volume Two

January 8th - 14th, 2023

Blog Posts about Current Astrological Transits and Cycles

From the Capricorn Solstice and New Moon up through the Cancer Full Moon.

Monthly Forecast

January’s Astrology Brings Sudden Release
A look at the astrological transits for January 2023.

Weekly Forecast

You'll need member access to view the full article - but the content is free. Sign up for a free membership to read the day-by-days for the week, leave comments, start a conversation, ask questions, and build community!

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #2
Changing directions and subtle shifts in dignity - busy week.

Betterthans & B-Sides Electional Report

Premium content for the Airy Artists tier, Betterthans & B-Sides times for making the best out of bad timing.

Betterthans & B-Sides 2023: Week # 2
The Moon moves through Leo, Virgo, and Libra. Venus shifts out of the first decan of Aquarius where Ze* is in their own decan. Saturn spend the week tightening the conjunction with the PED of Deneb Algedi.

Fortnightly Lunacy: Cancer Full Moon

Fortnightly Lunacy: Cancer Full Moon 2023
Check out Bear’s video for the Cancer Full Moon.

Musing on Magic and Mysticism

Though not "perfect" and "finished" per Bear's vision there's plenty to chew on in this piece.

Beyond a Culturally Bound Astrology
Marginal musings on magic & mysticism = Myxticism.


Additional posts and content covering transits influencing the astrology of right now.

A Few Thoughts on Mars Retrograde
Mars retrograde words: rebuild, remove, renovate, retreat.
Fast as a Strike of Lightning: Jupiter enters Aries
Jupiter flies through Aries. What’ll they bring for you?

Volume One

January 1st - 7th, 2023

Volume One

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #1
Quiet moods and subtle sensations shift our awareness toward intuitively relating to the reality as it really is. This is a week for gaining clarity about where you’ve found confusion, why there’s fogginess to begin with, and what you can do to clear the air.
Betterthans & B-Sides 2023: Week #1
Betterthans and B-Sides for the first week of January 2023.
Fortnightly Lunacy: Capricorn New Moon 2022
Fortnightly Lunacy is coming back from its long hibernation. Some of you may remember them from 2021. If you do, thank you for your patience. The new platform should allow for Fortnightlies to come closer to manifesting in reality the way they appear when gifted by the Muses.

Bear's Favorite Posts

These are some of Bear's favorite posts – either posts of Bear's that are favorites, based on the analytics and feedback, or Bear's own favorite work of his. (Yes, he has four planets in Leo.)

[from the Archives] Musing: The Eroticism of Saturn
“Eroticism, it may be said, is assenting to life up to the point of death,” says Bataille. I immediately felt a resonance with the echoes of this “eroticism of Saturn” thought that’s been with me throughout the year.In the margin I wrote “Alex Honnold, Free Solo – ascent.”
[archives:] Jupiter in Pisces and Achieving Flow State
Could I “conquer my fear of heights”?It turns out the answer to that last question is no. But what I’ve learned about fear, fright, danger, the nervous system, and the power of our thinking has been invaluable to my understanding of the world. And yes, to my astrological practice, too.


You can browse through and find other content, including evergreen pages throughout the site.

Have a Question for Bear? Want to connect with other astrologers and astrology enthusiasts?

Log in to post a comment below and start a discussion. Or, pose a question to your fellow members here.

If you'd like to reach out to Bear directly you can reach him at:

Bear Ryver is a professional astrologer helping his clients hone strategies for grounded growth and embodied empowerment by bringing them back to the BASICS. Winner of OPA’s Most Promising Astrologer in 2018, Bear has lectured at conferences like NORWAC and ISAR. He holds certifications in Hellenistic, Electional, and Horary astrology, and specializes in Intersectional Astrology. He was a teacher for the Portland School of Astrology, and has volunteered as a mentor for AFAN. When he’s not talking stars, or pulling cards, you can find him climbing rocks and playing guitar.