Learn About Astrology

Learn About: Astrology
Build a Relationship with the Stars
Learn About: Astrology
Astrology literally means the logos of the stars. Now, breaking down logos warrants an article all its own, but we can go with a couple of commonly understand meanings:
- language
- logic
- discipline of knowledge or learning
Astrology as the Language of the Stars
If we think of astrology as the language of the stars, then it's easy to understand how and why astrology is used to make sense of the stories of our lives.
Astrology's predictive timing techniques can tell us about the characters entering and leaving our lives by looking at what the planets are doing in the sky, and how that relates to our birth charts. They can tell us too when it is we'll be changing chapters (or whole books) in the weeks, months, or years ahead.
If you've ever hopped onto astrotwitter or listen to two astrology nerds going off on their shared special interest you've likely heard what sounded like an entirely other language than the one you thought they were speaking before astrology entered the conversation.
Astrologers affectionately call that astrologese and it can be both a blessing and a curse when you're tyring to learn astrology. On the one hand, once you get it, you can pack a lot of information into just a few sentences. On the other, if you don't, it can make astrology seems hopelessly confusing and useless. While it can be confusing, especially while you're learning, the latter bit (the useless) couldn't be further from the truth.
Demystify that astro-jargon over on the astrology slang cheat sheet page.

Astrology as the Logic of the Stars
From Aristotelean to Platonic and neo-Platonic philosophy, to simple metaphors and anologies build on observed celestial phenomena, there are many ways to approach a logic of the stars. And these are just entry ways through 'natural philosophy' that understands the stars as materially real.
We can also enter into the logic of the stars by understanding them not as celestial bodied but as celestial beings.
You'll hear Bear talk a fair bit about this perspective based on his understanding of his indigenous ancestor's beliefs, but this perspective isn't necessary to follow along with Bear's forecasts, or to benefit from time in session with him.
Whether you take a purely rational materialist view or a wholly metaphysical and spiritual view of the stars, there's a logic to the way the fixed stars, constellations, planets, images, Zodiac, and all the rest interplay and work together.
Astrology as a Discipline of Knowledge
Here it's important to understand that a discipline is training given to a disciple, who is one that understands or analyzes something thoroughly.
Astrology here must be understood not just as a theoretical discipline but a discipline predicated on praxis - that is the practical and pragmatic implementation of of what one knows and understands.
It matters then, how one approaches and understands astrology – is it a language, a logic, a discipline to be practiced? Surely it can be many or any of these at any particular moment.
Learn Astrology with Bear
Learn Astrology with Bear Ryver
There's a lot to learn about astrology.
Bear has lectured at conferences like NORWAC and ISAR, presenting on topics such as Intersectionality, community in astrology, and on the Jupiter/Neptune cycle. He's also presented workshops on working with the Moon for organizations like Fresh Voices, the Eleventh House, and WSAA.
Bear's also taught his Intersectional Astrology class to students at the Portland School of Astrology each semester since 2020.
But he has yet to offer an introductory astrology course. Writing his book is top priority for 2023, but he's been working on two courses: Intersectional Astrology and Elementals of Astrology. Tentative plans are to launch both in late 2023 or early 2024.
When the launch is imminent more information will come. Be sure you're signed up for the newsletter to get your earliest shot at securing a spot in the class when registration opens.
Pages and Articles to Help You Learn More About Astrology
You can peruse the posts, pages, and articles linked below to learn more about:

- essential dignity in astrology
- the houses in astrology
- aspects in astrology

Connect with astrologer Bear Ryver
Have Questions About Astrology?
Do you have questions about how astrology works? Prefer one-on-one office hours style conversation to learning in small groups or webinars?
Bear offers tutoring and study hours! If you're looking to understand how to put the pieces together or want a second set of eyes on your work as you practice with your chart Bear is happy to help. Students of Bear's will have priority sign-up for classes when they launch late 2023 / early 2024.
To learn more about Bear's astrological certifications and studies visit this page.
If you have questions about what types of techniques Bear can help you learn send an email to: contact@bearryver.com
If you're ready to schedule a study session you can book a session below.