4 min read

Myxticism Announcement

What a fucking week.


Unexpected Delays & Unanticipated Announcements

Hey there Sun Siblings!

I don't know about you, but that Leo Full Moon and the Mercury/Pluto conjunction razed a trail of turmoil and upheaval that even I didn't anticipate this week.

Maybe you caught wind of it on the socials. Maybe not. If so, you're probably not surprised to hear my spoons were stolen away by the urgent (and ongoing) need to respond to the situation.

While this post isn't touching that topic with an infinitely long pole, I do want to let y'all know why I haven't got Skyvibe Serial or Betterthans & B-Sides #7 out for you. I spent the week battered about by rough realizations about the difference between community comrades and industry associates; between fair-weather and forever friends; between miscommunication and manipulation.

There's some really beautiful stuff coming out of this mess though. Like the realization that y'all, my Sun Sibs, are deeply committed to compassion and restorative justice. I can't tell you how proud I am to see that the work that I create attracts folks who devote themselves to good old fashioned kindness, and doing good.

In the meantime...

So, sadly, there's no written work for me to push publish on today.

Instead, I've gone and made all the lectures I have records of available for y'all to watch. Please feel free to share far and wide.

The Intersectionality of Astrology

This was my first lecture. One that I'm particularly proud of and which represents the culmination of 20+ years of astrological study, and draws from the queer youth activism that consumed and filled my life from between 13 and 20 years old.

While I don't support the work of all the folks that I attributed creative inspiration to, I stand by the necessity of naming the community whose words we draw from, and the shoulders of the elders and ancestors we stand on.

If you have questions about who among those named I recommend working with still, feel free to reach out, or drop a comment below.

The Moon as the Roots of Self-Discovery and Self-Empowerment

My second big astrology talk, though not the first time I presented this Moon-y material. This talk was an expansion and elaboration of the 2019 Work the Moon talk that I presented in Berkeley for OPA's East Bay Circle, where I presented alongside Kay Taylor, and Linnea Van Horne.

Who Are You in Astrological Community?

This was a talk that I invited Kirah Tabourn to co-present with me. Tbh, I had an autistic meltdown about 30 minutes prior when my lucky talisman disappeared, so I really wasn't my best, and I'm not sure whether or not it shows.

Either way, I think it's an important topic. Even if I now seriously question the existence of a broad astrological community. I do believe that there is a "true community" of folks out there connected through our shared love of the stars.

Like those of you who attend the live chats I host around here. That's a real little growing community.

Going Forward

I've realized that a Sunday through Saturday week of writing really ought to be posted earlier than Saturday night. While I'd hoped to work ahead, and to not skip any days, I'm going to use this week as the time to make the pivot.

I'll be posting Skyvibe and Betterthans on Wednesday the 15th for the 8th and 9th weeks of the year.

(If you're signed up on for one of the offers from earlier this year, I'll have a little special something to make up for missing this week's posts.)

I'm teaching the Practice with the Planets class over at Raven's Wing Magical Co. in less than an hour.

I'll be hosting an online version soon, so if you'd like to check that out, or chime in on what you'd like to learn, you can fill out this waitlist and form with the button below:

Have a question for Bear? Want to connect with other astrologers and astrology enthusiasts?

As always, I hope these words find and serve you well.

If you'd like to start a discussion or pose a question to your fellow members (and/or Bear) feel free to post down below!

If you'd like to reach out to Bear directly you can reach him at: contact@bearryver.com

Bear Ryver is a professional astrologer helping his clients hone strategies for grounded growth and embodied empowerment by bringing them back to the BASICS. Winner of OPA’s Most Promising Astrologer in 2018, Bear has lectured at conferences like NORWAC and ISAR. He holds certifications in Hellenistic, Electional, and Horary astrology, and specializes in Intersectional Astrology. He was a teacher for the Portland School of Astrology, and has volunteered as a mentor for AFAN. When he’s not talking stars, or pulling cards, you can find him climbing rocks and playing guitar.