Bear Ryver

Bear Ryver

Bear Ryver is a consulting and lecturing astrologer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. When he’s not talking stars you can find him climbing rocks and playing guitar.

Wednesdays are for Mercury

A lot of folks will say to take a nap, have a snack, or bathe luxurious-like on Mondays. But, maybe you’ve found that on Mondays you prefer yoga or a martial arts class, and it’s Saturdays are actually the day you want to focus on self-care? (I’m looking at you Aquarius risings!)

Wrapping Up February

Hey there Sun Siblings! Just writing to let you know

Betterthans & B-Sides 2023: Week #8

There's not a lot of great windows of supportive skyvibes this week, but there are two solid B-Sides. A lot of the Betterthans this week are pretty marginal, though should be very informative for those observing charts of the moment as part of their electional studies.

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #8

On the whole, this week is one that's about thinking and speaking clearly about the things we need in order to heal: things that need to change, ways we need to innovate where old ways of doing things are no longer kind or compassionate to carry on – for us, or others.

Fortnightly Lunacy 2023: Pisces New Moon

This New Moon is likely to go one of two ways: an impassioned escape from the heaviness of reality, or the birth of a dream that maybe never comes to anything, but gives you hope in a dark place all the same.

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #7

We're calling this week "Sleeper Wave." They're a phenomenon here at one of the most epic beaches in Northern California. Due to the topography and the patterns of the waves it's possible to be swept out to sea by a tiny rogue wave.

Sun in the Heart of Saturn's Darkness

Exact at 8:48 am Pacific Standard Time the morning of Thursday February 16th, the Sun and Saturn meet up for one final conjunction. Deep in the valley of the long shadow of Saturn, the Sun finds themselves in the heart of Saturn's darkness.

Myxticism Announcement

What a fucking week. (sigh) Unexpected Delays & Unanticipated Announcements

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #6

At long fucking last we're finally getting to close the door on things that began in the Fall of 2021 with the beginning of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses, which in turn picked up the ongoing Saturn/Uranus square that began back in 2020...

Fortnightly Lunacy: Leo Full Moon

It seems like it's about some showdown or big reveal related to ego, authority, or me vs. we kind of thing... how we make stay flexible and adaptable so that we can be innovative and inventive enough to emerge on the other side of groundbreaking change to the material conditions we all face...