Skyvibe Serial

Skyvibe Serial is the weekly astrology forecast produced by award-winning professional astrologer Bear Ryver. An overview of the week's theme plus breakdown of each day, learn what the vibe's gonna be like in the sky so you can decide for yourself how you want to prepare for the week ahead.
Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #48, November 26th - December 2nd

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #48, November 26th - December 2nd

18 min read
Skyvibe Serial Week #47: November 19th - 25th

Skyvibe Serial Week #47: November 19th - 25th

19 min read
Skyvibe Serial Week #46: November 12th - 18th

Skyvibe Serial Week #46: November 12th - 18th

18 min read
Skyvibe Serial Forecast: Week #45 November 5th - 11th

Skyvibe Serial Forecast: Week #45 November 5th - 11th

17 min read
Skyvibe Serial Forecast: Week #13 - March 26th - April 1st

Skyvibe Serial Forecast: Week #13 - March 26th - April 1st

The undulations of benefic and malefic enclosure (that extend into next week) are what really make this week one that can hold its own in comparison to the big ingresses earlier in the month. Particularly with Thursday's rogue wave right in the middle of the set.
14 min read
Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #12

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #12

If the winds of change were blowing earlier this month, this week we've got some some gale force winds. Pluto changes signs once a generation, and the changing of Pluto's sign from Capricorn into Aquarius is baked into the foundation of the USA as an internationally recognized independent nation.
15 min read
Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #8

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #8

On the whole, this week is one that's about thinking and speaking clearly about the things we need in order to heal: things that need to change, ways we need to innovate where old ways of doing things are no longer kind or compassionate to carry on – for us, or others.
14 min read
Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #7

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #7

We're calling this week "Sleeper Wave." They're a phenomenon here at one of the most epic beaches in Northern California. Due to the topography and the patterns of the waves it's possible to be swept out to sea by a tiny rogue wave.
15 min read
Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #6

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #6

At long fucking last we're finally getting to close the door on things that began in the Fall of 2021 with the beginning of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses, which in turn picked up the ongoing Saturn/Uranus square that began back in 2020...
15 min read
Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #5

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #5

I'll be honest, this week has a good skyvibe, better than we've had in a couple of weeks. Whether this is much needed respite, without which you really can't go on, or escap(ist)-hatch that allows us to circumvent facing the facts on the ground.
16 min read