Bear Ryver

Bear Ryver

Bear Ryver is a consulting and lecturing astrologer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. When he’s not talking stars you can find him climbing rocks and playing guitar.

Betterthans & B-Sides 2023: Week #6

We start the week with a Full Moon in Leo, which means that the Moon will be waning. Elections now are best for finishing things, and less ideal for new beginnings. Returning to old things is also a potential, at least for this week - less so next.

The February (Astrology Podcast) Forecast

Last week, I had the honor of sitting with Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock on #theAstrologyPodcast to record the forecast for the month-ahead! If you're familiar with The Astrology Podcast, you can imagine what a big deal this was.

The Astrology of February 2023

The prescience of dawn whispered by changing jewel-toned sky suggests it's time to make the final preparations. Soon we'll be on the path/road/journey whether or not we remembered to double check the locks, and pack an extra pair of socks.

Skyvibe Serial 2023: Week #5

I'll be honest, this week has a good skyvibe, better than we've had in a couple of weeks. Whether this is much needed respite, without which you really can't go on, or escap(ist)-hatch that allows us to circumvent facing the facts on the ground.

Betterthans & B-Sides 2023: Week #5

In terms of elections, betterthans, and b-sides – a lot is going on! There's quite a few charts this week (dozens, in fact, if we count every time one of the benefics is on one of the angles). There are a few planetary and fixed star elections in here too.

Skyvibe Serial: Week #4

With Mercury picking up speed and Mars spending a final few days making a show of taking a stand, defending their position and all that pomp & circumstance there's a feeling of mounting tension that reminds me of waiting for a band to come out for an encore.

Working with Saint Expedite

St. Expedite does not appear in the Catholic cannon. This isn't something I know because I'm a practicing Catholic – although I did go to Catholic school briefly as a child, and I loved the ritual, but that's a whole other story.

Betterthans & B-Sides 2023: Week #4

The Moon waxes from New at 1°32' Aquarius (read about the Aquarius New Moon here) and grows in light up through the first quarter Moon at 8° Taurus on Saturday. With Mercury and Mars now retrograde Aries, Gemini, Virgo, and Scorpio are, theoretically at least, back on the table for rising signs.

Making Something out of Nothing with the Aquarius New Moon

In a way this Aquarius New Moon is kind of like the graduation exit exam / celebration.

Betterthans & B-Sides 2023: Week #3

If you've got excising and revising to do, then you'll probably find Wednesday's chart the most... consistent with those aims. Overall Wednesday's chart has the best combination of Moon placement, configuration, and whatnot. Though anything that can wait until better astroweather really should.