Service Offerings
Skills at your Service
or, 'Service Type Descriptions', but that's so boring
When you book a session with me you get several hours of devoted study of your chart, and you get my undivided attention for the duration of our session. I probably shouldn't say this on the internet, but that time is often the minimum. Once we initiate the divinatory moment, I'm in it, with you, until it's actually done. You won't be cut off abruptly, rushed to wrap it up, or told that the rest of your answer will come when you book your next session. That said, I strive to be efficient for both our sakes, and if you've got strict time commitments, I won't keep you over.
Over the years I've tried offering highly specific types of sessions with dozens of different descriptions to read and buttons to click. In the last year or so though, I've found that my preparation process is identical, regardless of what the duration or topic of the session is. So now things are really simple! In short, you choose the length of time, and I bring all my tools and skills. There are only two consultation types right now: general, and Time Maps consults.
I'll use the relevant techniques to respond to what emerges in the session regardless. While I'll prep using Hellenistic and Medieval tools to assess you natal (birth) chart and timing, I'll find elections, answer horary, break down the Evolutionary perspective, or help you craft plans for remediation and astral ritual as needed.
Think of the session prep (intake) form as more as jumping off point and container to shape the preparation and expectation-shaping process for that particular session. Your way of making sure that I contemplate a certain question, or look at things from a particular angle.
You don't have to worry about making sure to ask me to show up with the right tool - just describe your goals and questions in the session prep form, and show up ready to talk! Relax into knowing that I was encouraged to practice on-the-fly readings by my elders and teachers. It was a crucial part of building my chops, and something I still do for walk-in clients on Thursdays when I'm down at Radiance. I typically open sessions by asking if something happened in the last 24 hours that you'd rather talk about instead.
If you're a new client, book a new client session of whatever length you'd like. If you're a returning client, use that calendar - the session prep form is a little bit different. If you need a sliding scale session, choose from that menu (no codes necessary, no explanation needed).
If you'd like the super deluxe full timing treatment - complete with a very nerdy spreadsheet - sign up for the Time Maps consultation. We'll go over the major periods in your life, and break down the year ahead month-by-month.
If you already know you want to book a session, click the button below:
"Regular" Consultations
Note for New Clients
Relationally, there's a lot a first session has to do. It's got to serve as a container where we can each get to know each other – establish a little rapport, shared language, common understanding of what we're attempting to do, etc. Technically, there's a lot an astrologer needs to establish before getting to the fancy techniques.
What this means is that all new client consultations start with general birth chart talk. Usually about 30 - 45 minutes or so.
My preparation for our sessions is cumulative. Once I get to know you, I remember you, just like if we met in real life and talked for half an hour or more. Plus, I take notes! That means that each time we meet my prep becomes more efficient, and a little less time intensive, and therefore returning clients have slightly lower rates.
I say this to encourage you to book your sessions strategically! If you know you love my work and want to cover a number of different questions, it's best for you to book a shorter first-time, and then enjoy the returning client rate for the longer ones. Or, if you just want to vibe check our client-practitioner match, do the same!
What's True Across the Board
All sessions are conducted by Zoom.
Unless you're local to Bear and have already made arrangements with him to meet in person.
The shortest session time is 30-minutes.
You'll have option to add additional time with the add-on options if you want just 10 or 15 minutes extra.
You'll get the option to record the session on your own device.
If you'd like to a recording of the session be sure to attend the meeting from your computer. Tablets, chrome books, and phones do not give you the option to record the meeting. If you don't have access to a computer and still want a recording, just select the option in the session prep form.
All sessions include a 15-minute post-session follow-up.
If you have questions in the weeks following your session, you have the option to schedule a quick 15-minute follow-up with Bear. It's totally optional, and included in the cost of booking. You're of course welcome to email your questions instead - (just know that email is my personal kryptonite).
For the terms and conditions, click here and read the "fine print" on the consultations page. (It's not little at all, in fact it's under a giant header!)
Time Maps Consultations
aka Year Ahead, Solar Returns / Revolutions, Zodiacal Releasing and all that nerdy spreadsheet stuff
Looking for a Birthday Reading?
Most folks get a consult right around their birthday. A general look at self and the year-ahead. Then there's a Time Maps consult.
Time Maps Consultations
In a Time Maps consultation I look at all the timing techniques:
- Firdariyyah (aka fardars)
- Decennials (aka Planetary Releasing)
- Zodiacal Releasing (fka ZR)
- Distributions (or Circumambulations) Through the Bounds
- Primary Directions
- Secondary Progressions
- the Solar Revolution
- Profections from the Ascendant, Fortune, Sect Light, MC, pre-natal Lunation, and whatever else happens to be necessary to answer your question
- Continuous profections
- Monthly profections
I've found over the years that the clients who get the most out of these sessions are the ones who have past dates in mind, or future plans their working out. If you want a copy, I'll even share the super slick spreadsheet I make while I prep.
What if you know tons about astrology yourself?
Tutoring, Mentoring, and Classes
I've been involved in peer-facilitation and mentoring since I was a teenager. Bringing that desire to share what I've learned and empowering others to do the same with astrology and tarot is only natural. Over the last couple of years I've had the opportunity to teach and mentor for orgs like the AFAN (the Association for Astrological Networking) and the Portland School of Astrology. I've also run my own classes, a privately tutored and mentored as well.
As of Summer of '24 I'm set to co-teach a Kepler Class with Jenn Zahrt, and I very proud and honored to be one of the teacher's assistants for Austin Coppock's Fundamentals of Astrology program.
Study Sessions / Tutoring Time
If you've ever wanted to pick the brain of a professional astrologer, figure out how to build a professional practice from scratch, or learn how bring an Intersectional lens to your astrological praxis, you can drop into the Bear's Den (aka my office) and chat about the stars.
Tutoring sessions are $30/30-mins, and $50/hour.
Have a Question for Bear?
If you'd like to reach out to Bear directly you can reach him at: