
If you've found your way to this page, thank you very much for your support!
If you've come from Patreon, thank you for supporting the long-term development of Intersectional Astrology, and the work of making astrology inclusive and accessible for all. In the past 5 years Intersectional Astrology has gone from idea, to mini-presentation, 2020 NORWAC lecture, and now there's a book in the works.
December 2023 / January 2024 update:
Bear's going dark and quiet for 2024!
You won't be seeing social media posts or regular forecasts from Bear in 2024. With two books in the works (and research sneaking through for another) priority is going to birthing those books into being.
If you want to see Bear, there are only three ways to do it: consultations, classes, or by coincidence if you happen to attend the same IRL astro event as him.
While consultations will still be offered there will be a lot less availability than in previous years with quite a bit of time being blocked off for book writing and research.
Other than consultations, there are just two offerings for 2024:
1) Practice with the Planets online class series. Expanding on the class series Bear taught at The Raven's Wing Magic Shop from February through April of 2023, this will be a 12-week course exploring the practice of establishing a personal relationship with the our elder celestial kin.
2) What's in it for Me? This will be an ongoing small group where we explore the month-ahead in depth and in detail, but filtered for each person's natal chart and activated timing. To keep it intimate, and practical, groups will be small (6-8 people), and there will not be recordings of the classes made available.
Stay tuned and be sure to subscribe to Bear's newsletter for more details on the classes and announcements for enrollment as there won't be any announcements made on socials.